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What's on

Ashfield is a fantastic destination filled with exciting events for families, businesses, and young people. Learn about upcoming events in Ashfield and discover past events held in the region.

Adult Education Advice Event


Navigate to individual What's on page Navigate to Adult Education Advice Event on 16 July 2025

Wild Tots! Café

The Discovery Room, Mill Waters Café

Navigate to individual What's on page Navigate to Wild Tots! Café 10July

Wild Tots! Café

The Discovery Room, Mill Waters Café

Navigate to individual What's on page Navigate to Wild Tots! Café 3July

Apprenticeship Vacancies Event


Navigate to individual What's on page Navigate to Apprenticeship Vacancies Event

Wild Tots! Café

The Discovery Room, Mill Waters Café

Navigate to individual What's on page Navigate to Wild Tots! Café 26June

Derbyshire and Notts Secondary School Conference

Eastwood Hall

Navigate to individual What's on page Navigate to Derbyshire and Notts Secondary School Conference

Wild Tots! Café

The Discovery Room, Mill Waters Café

Navigate to individual What's on page Navigate to Wild Tots! Café 19June

College Open Event


Navigate to individual What's on page Navigate to College Open Event on 14 June 2025

Wild Tots! Café

The Discovery Room, Mill Waters Café

Navigate to individual What's on page Navigate to Wild Tots! Café 12June

Willow Memory Café

The Discovery Room, Mill Waters Café

Navigate to individual What's on page Navigate to Willow Memory Café 11June

Wild Tots! Café

The Discovery Room, Mill Waters Café

Navigate to individual What's on page Navigate to Wild Tots! Café 5June

Willow Memory Café

The Discovery Room, Mill Waters Café

Navigate to individual What's on page Navigate to Willow Memory Café 28May

Wild Tots! Café

The Discovery Room, Mill Waters Café

Navigate to individual What's on page Navigate to Wild Tots! Café 22May

Wild Tots! Café

The Discovery Room, Mill Waters Café

Navigate to individual What's on page Navigate to Wild Tots! Café 15May

Willow Memory Café

The Discovery Room, Mill Waters Café

Navigate to individual What's on page Navigate to Willow Memory Café 14May

Wild Tots! Café

The Discovery Room, Mill Waters Café

Navigate to individual What's on page Navigate to Wild Tots! Café 8May

Wild Tots! Café

The Discovery Room, Mill Waters Café

Navigate to individual What's on page Navigate to Wild Tots! Café 1May

Wild Tots! Café

The Discovery Room, Mill Waters Café

Navigate to individual What's on page Navigate to Wild Tots! Café 24 April

West Notts College Staff Recruitment Event


Navigate to individual What's on page Navigate to West Notts College Staff Recruitment Event

Easter Sweet Making

Teversal Visitors Centre

Navigate to individual What's on page Navigate to Easter Sweet Making

Willow Memory Café

The Discovery Room Mill Waters Café

Navigate to individual What's on page Navigate to Willow Memory Café 9April

Kirkby Library Spring Fayre

Kirkby Library and Learning Centre

Navigate to individual What's on page Navigate to Kirkby Library Spring Fayre

Wild Tots! Café

The Discovery Room, Mill Waters Café

Navigate to individual What's on page Navigate to Wild Tots! Café 3April

Adult Education Advice Event


Navigate to individual What's on page Navigate to Adult Education Advice Event on 2 April 2025

Takeover Festival


Navigate to individual What's on page Navigate to Takeover Festival

Wild Tots! Café

The Discovery Room, Mill Waters Café

Navigate to individual What's on page Navigate to Wild Tots! Café 27 March

Willow Memory Café

The Discovery Room, Mill Waters Café

Navigate to individual What's on page Navigate to Willow Memory Café 26March

Discover Ashfield celebrates all that is best about living, visiting, learning, working, and doing business in Ashfield.

Kirkby graphic