Discover Ashfield Awards 2024
Celebrating those who go above and beyond at the Discover Ashfield Awards
Those who go the extra mile to help others across Ashfield have been awarded for their unwavering dedication.
The Discover Ashfield Awards 2024, organised by Ashfield District Council and sponsored by Matthew & Tannert Ltd, were held on Friday 28 February.
The awards saw community leaders, businesses and residents take the spotlight for a night of celebration at Kirkby Leisure Centre.
Now in its fifth year, the awards celebrate the fantastic people, organisations, and businesses within Ashfield and their achievements over the past 12 months.
Every year the awards have grown and this year there were 17 categories up for grabs with several new additions to recognise the work of local businesses and groups in the District.
This year’s winners were:
Best High Street Business
Winner – Arc Cinema
Highly Commended - Team Prom
Best Start-up Business of the Year - sponsored by Matthew & Tannert Ltd
Sisters Polish Shop
The Beauty Garden
Best Business of the Year
FireRock Brewing Co.
Linwood Raker Ltd
Héroux-Devtek UK
Careers, Education, Information, Advice & Guidance
Winer - Kip McGrath
Highly Commended - Michaela Gregory
Community Champion
Winner – Mike Harris
Graduate Retention Provider
Winner - Innovation Nottinghamshire
Green Ashfield – sponsored by Héroux-Devtek UK
Winner – Hucknall Wildlife Group
Life Skills Provider
Winner - Sinead Higgins
Outstanding Organisation
Winner - The Tin Hat Centre
Highly Commended - Ashfield Play Forum
Phenomenal Project
Winner – ATTFE Community Stars Volunteer Programme
Callum Winterton
Gary Jordan MBE
Very Important Volunteer - sponsored by Matthew & Tannert Ltd
Tony Newbury
William Hickman
Young Entrepreneur of the Year
Winner – Amayah Stone
Place to Visit
Winner – Adventures
Entrepreneur of the Year
Carl Ellis
Lee Mason
Outstanding Partner
Everyone Active
Digital Skills Provider
ATTFE College
Special Recognition
Ashfield Spartans Boxing Academy
Ken Burrows Ltd
A Wass Funeral Directors
Steve Wallace
Chairman’s Business Award
Winner - Linwood Raker Ltd
Chairman’s Community Award
Winners – Hucknall Rotary Club, Sutton Rotary Club, Kirkby Rotary Club
Cllr Jason Zadrozny, Leader of Ashfield District Council, said: “What a wonderful night. It was great to see so many inspiring people from across Ashfield all come together for an evening of celebration.
“Ashfield has so many unique businesses, people who go out of their way to help others and organisations that are there for the people who need them most. It is only right that they are celebrated for everything they have done for their community.
“It’s great to see these awards growing bigger and stronger each year. I can’t wait to do it all again next year.”