The Big Sing & Dance

Kirkby Plaza

We are excited to share with you The Big Sing and Dance, a partnership between Captivate, Inspire Music, and Ashfield District Council aiming to enhance the current project, The Big Sing, by incorporating dance and more music.

THE BIG SING & DANCE will take place on Monday, July 15th, 2024, at Kirkby Plaza, Market Place, NG17 7AL.

Groups should arrive from 12:30pm, and guests should arrive from 2pm. As part of the offer, you will receive:

  • Free workshops at your school to learn a dance and song
  • Resources to learn the songs and dances with your students
  • Participation on Monday, July 15th, to perform with other schools and take part in workshops with artists. The performance for the public and guests will begin at 2pm.
Event cover image

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